
Yes It's All Worth It

The laundry is piled everywhere. My hair is definitely suffering. I'm covered in baby "goop". I don't remember what it feels like to get a good night's sleep. Austin takes advantage of my half hour feeding sessions to destroy my house or help himself to whatever he can find in the fridge (cold hotdogs, unwashed grapes, 4 soy yogurts all half eaten..). Cameron and I spent half of our date night on Saturday sitting in the car feeding, diapering, and burping Isaac.
Is it overwhelming? Actually, no. I love it! In the words of my good friend Kasey, "It's no big deal, just throw the baby into the mix." I took her words to heart - We just threw Z into our family and carried on! The kids love him. They really like to help out - especially Austin. He thinks Z is his baby. We are having a blast. So... yeah, it's tough sometimes, like trying to get Landon to school in the morning with temper tantrum throwing Austin and a hungry baby and Landon telling me he doesn't know how to get dressed by himself (as if he hasn't been doing it for the past three years), but overall it definitely worth it!


thecherries said...

Oh he is just PERFECT Kendra! What handsome boys you have!

Eyelashes by Brandy said...

Wow. I was just thinking this morning... while I was in the shower... "when am I going to shower when the baby comes?" I may have to get up early, yeah right... and then I started wondering how you were... and all I can say is wow.
I read the headline, and thought I needed to hear that. Then I read the rest and thought, I shouldn't have read that. Throwing a baby into a mix of toddlers may just overflow my bowl! Thanks for the encouragement though, you have always had such a good attitude! Those boys are really lucky, especially Cam.
Love you guys,... and please email me your address!

Andrea said...

Kendra, I am so glad you are hanging in there and taking it all in stride. Please let me know if I can do anything to help! I love the pic of the 3 of them together!

510Jen said...

He is so cute Kendra. Looks like life is back to normal. You gotta love the three boys together! Come start hangin out would ya-

Veronica Reeve said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing well with three...it gives us moms struggling with two some hope! Your boys are darling!

[BrookeO] said...

Kendra, I found your blog through Kasey's. It is so cute. I wanted to tell you congrats on your new little "Z" he is so cute. And you look amazing! I love your post today...I still feel just like that most days (and mine is nearly 3 months old) but it is truly all worth it and it makes you wonder what you did w/o them.

I would love to stay in touch.

jej said...

Congratulaions!I'm so glad that Z is here! The boys have gotten so big! Enjoy it. :) And keep us with us at jolleyjamie.blogspot.com when you get a chance (well, those days you are stealing your chance!) Loves!

Kasey said...

Those are the cutest pictures and I love the quilt you made! It's awesome. The three boys look so cute together, don't they? Who is holding him up and hiding behind Landon and Austin in the last picture though?

Unknown said...

It's great to hear you're doing so well. It was encouraging to read your post and reminds me not to sweat the small stuff. However, is that you as the headless member of the picture behind the boys? This could be a problem if you have this perspective because you've lost your head. Ha, ha.

[S Rizzle] said...

Remember I will always snuggle him. Who could resist?!