This is my Grandma and Grandpa Meier. Thanks to some tricky scheduling at Cam's dental office we trapped them here for 9 days! We had so much fun. I love when my family comes here because I get them all to myself! I loved that my kids got to spend a lot of one on one time with their great-grandparents - something that doesn't happen when we're in Utah because of all the other grandkids around. I feel like we all got to know eachother a little (and in the case of my kids, a lot) better. I'm so happy we got to spend so much time together. Thanks for coming and I can't wait for you to come again!

We went to Manitou Cliff Dwellings. So fun. We explored the actuall cliffs that the Anasazi Indians lived in. The scenery was beautiful. Cameron was on call that week and of course got called in just as we were picking Landon up from school to go. That was too bad. We met up at Applebees for dinner, though. Fun...

We spent a day at the zoo. Grandma got the kids a "smashed penny" book. It's their pride and joy and they are making plans to add more smashed pennys. Thanks again for the books.