So, begrudingly he put on his new Star Wars t-shirt (yeah, I know! How could I deny him, though? When we were school clothes shopping he saw it and declared that it would be his first day of school shirt so he could "show off"!) He ate his favorite breakfast (scrambled eggs and sausage). He checked to make sure he had all his school supplies in his backpack. And he gathered up all his courage for a new school year at yet, another new school (his third in three years). By the time we were ready to go he was so excited I could barely get a picture of him (thus the van and lovely garage in the background) and he made me promise, "no pictures at the school" because he didn't the other kids to see.

*He made a friend named Zach who has the same hair as him
*All the boys in his class thought his shirt was awesome
*His teacher was really nice and he got to put is name in the "bug jar"
*His music teacher is also his art teacher and she calls everyone dude and dudette
*He wants to bring home lunch from now on because this school doesn't let you get seconds unless you go to the sald bar
*He got a sucker (which he gave to Isaac, who saw it and screamed,"nanie!")
*He says, "school is awesome and I really like the kids in my class."
*He got the most math problems right on the worksheet the class did.

Last night I got a phone call from Mrs Kellerman, Landon's teacher. She said she wanted to tell me that Landon is such a great kid and he's doing really well so far. She's impressed with his reading and addition skills. He's well-liked by the other kids and she's happy he's in her class. I'll take a phone call like that any day!