A {GLIMPSE} of our LiVeS through some INTERESTING recent conversations....
*** I went into Landon's room to make sure he was awake and getting ready for school. (I had just rolled out of bed, myself)
L: "Mom. On Zach and Cody Cody said, 'don't say my mom is pretty! You should see what she looks like in the morning!!' I understand what he was talking about now."
*** Background info: we've been watching the "LIFE" series on Discovery - the kids love it and they're learning a lot about animals, including mating rituals. I recently talked to Landon about "where babies come from". I used his health book and told him how the parts fit together and what they do. Nothing more than that - he didn't ask and I didn't tell, except to say that only a husband and wife can have a baby (I guess I need to clarify and say only a husband and wife SHOULD have a baby)....
After looking at our sea monkeys Landon asked if they mate. I told him I was pretty sure they did. Austin asked Landon, "what does that mean? Mate?"
L: "It means when two animals get married, they hold tails so they can lay eggs or have babies"
***Austin, while patting my stomach: "Huh? I don't get it. You don't have a baby in there anymore. Why is it still so big?" [I'd like to know the answer to that too!]
***At Walmart, after asking for at least one thing on every other aisle we'd been on.
A: "Mom! Popsicles! Please, Please, PLLLLEASE..."
M: "no. sorry. everytime I get that kind you guys leave them on the counter to turn them back into juice. They leak all over. I'd rather just buy you juice."
A: "mom. please?"
Random Walmart Customer: "yeah mom. please."
[Is she kidding? I give her a look that I hope says, "thanks but I don't need your help here."]
A: "Mom! Please? I love these kind."
[now it's a bit of a power struggle and I've already given in at least 5 other times earlier in the store and I really feel like I can't give in.]
M: "No Austin."
Random Walmart Customer: "They're just popsicles."
A: "Yeah just popsicles, PLEAAAASE."
M: "Austin. If you didn't ask for something on EVERY aisle I might be able to get them for you. I've already got a ton of stuff just because you asked for it. You can't get everything you want. Stop asking and come on. NOW."
[Dear Random Walmart Lady: while I appreciate that they were only 2 dollar popsicles - multiply that by 3 kids' 10 "2 dollar desires" per shopping trip and add that to how many times I go to the store a week and there you go - I can't afford it. Plus, my kids are really not neglected. In fact they are quite indulged. I don't think they need to be indulged ALL the time. Please just mind your own business.... feels good to get that off my chest!]
***At the pediatricians office for an ENT referal for Landon.
Doc: "looks like he might have some sinus problems that would benefit from ENT. They just drill out the sinus' to make them bigger. Nasty, painful surgery I wouldn't want it."
later after the doctor leaves the room, Landon's eyes fill up with tears.
L: "I don't want surgery!! It's going to hurt. I'm going to have holes in my face!!"
M: "Landon we don't know you need that. The doctor was just saying it was a possibility. He was trying to say you're breathing problems can be fixed. It would be great if you could breath through your nose. But the ENT might know a better way than surgery."
L: "But he said!!! And even he wouldn't want it. And every one will see the holes in my face..."
[uh, hello? doctor? why would you say that? just wondering]
***M: Austin put that lotion on your itchies but don't get any on my bed, k?
Isaac [said in that sing song playground mockery voice]: ha ha I just got lotion on your bed!! [that kid is a R-A-S-C-A-L sometimes. lotion on my dry clean only bedspread and pillow sham... I swear he did it just because I told Austin not to. grrrr...]
*** after looking at the bank account...
Cameron: $200.00 at Costco, huh?
Me: "two kids in diapers, wipes, laundry detergent, turkey sausage [the only protein Austin's not allergic to and will eat in the mornings] fruit, soy milk, string cheese. Believe me, there's a lot of other stuff I'd rather spend the money on too!"
***while eating breakfast after fighting ALL morning:
L: "Austin I love ya"
A: "I love ya too Landon"