
Whatchya thinkin'

I'm just wondering what he's thinking when he does things like this:

Yesterday we're sitting in sacrament meeting. The congregation is pretty much silent while a ward member is singing a beautiful Christmas song at the pulpit.

In the middle of the song Isaac stands up on the bench, turns around and yells, "MOVE THAT BUS! MOVE THAT BUS!" Then he starts blowing kisses at the people sitting behind us....
{and in case you're wondering, No. We really don't watch Extreme Home Makeover that often.}


Adri said...

Cute picture! And, that story makes me laugh!

On the drive home today, out of no where Kate says to me, "I wonder how Austin is doing. I should write him a note!"

We're still missing you around here!

momsmed said...

Was the singer as fat as a bus? Ha!

Colleen said...

What a great photo! So funny. Toddlers, gotta love 'em!

my4suns2 said...

Funny, I'm sure the congregation understands (and had a good laugh)!

Kasey said...

Hilarious! Seriously, I'm laughing out loud right now. What a cutie!