We have loved being outside lately. Spring and Fall - best times of the year.

Oh my, do they take their baseball seriously around here. Landon has practice three nights a week about two hours each time. Games started on Saturday so hopefully practices will slow down now that games will be twice a week until the end of May.
It can be crazy to haul everyone around, eat dinner, get the kids to bed at a decent hour. But I really love love love watching my kids play sports. I think they need it too. It gives them a goal to work towards. It gives them something to do. It gives them exercise. It makes them happy. It gets them outside. It makes them well rounded. It gives them something to practice together (Austin's age group starts in May). I especially love baseball because it's a sport I'm actually pretty good at. I love playing catch with the kids. And now that they're older and can really play, it's especially fun.

Cameron's been finishing our fence; doing a FANTASTIC job. It's something else the boys can do together. They spent the entire day on Saturday (minus baseball game time) picking up the wood and putting up the fence together.

(this picture is last saturday when they drilled the holes for the posts and cemented them in)

Oh, yes. The kids are into bugs lately. Landon got an ant farm for Easter. He tried to find ants to put in it. He cried and cried when he couldn't find any (we sent away for some...). The next day I went to Target and found these little bug traps in the dollar spot. Got them for the kids. I told Landon to lift up the rocks to find bugs. Surprise - A HUGE ANT hill. The kids have been filling their bug traps up with ants every day since.

In an effort to motivate the kids and give them some one on one time (we're all about multi-tasking around here) we've been giving them rewards for working towards certain goals - when they reach their goal they can do something special with one of us. This time Austin read an entire book with no help to Cameron. So the kids and I met Cam after work and Cameron and Austin went swimming together as his award. (Zac, Landon, Ella and I hung out at the park across from the hospital for a while.)