the BRAVEST decision a mother could make: to give her baby more than she could offer... to give her baby a family
born Nov. 15, 2010
9 lbs 4.2 oz 21 in long

Sasha let Aiden's adoptive mom and dad hold him first. I admire Sasha's courage so much.

This boy came into the world belonging to two families. We all fell in love with him on the spot. He is adorable and peaceful and sweet and wonderful. He has the best long spikey blond mohawk of hair. His birth story is one that includes SO many MIRACLES and Tender Mercies. He is loved by so so many people.

Because my sister did something so noble and wonderful, her little boy, Aiden Alexander (Sasha is a nickname for Alexandra - Jared and Alicia gave their baby Sasha's name - a way for him to remember his birth mom gave him a wonderful gift), has a mom, a dad, and a big brother. He is such a lucky baby to have two families that love him so much.
The Snarr's are such good people. I'm impressed with their poise and sensitivity. Sasha couldn't have chosen better parents for Aiden. I'm so so happy that Aiden is theirs. There is no doubt he was meant for them.

After Aiden's birth and adoption as I drove back to Idaho, with my 2 babies sleeping in the backseat, I couldn't help but reflect on all I have witnessed through this. Sasha has had the odds stacked against her SO much during her life. (My parents adopted her {and my other sister, Alina} from the Ukraine 6 years ago. Sasha has seen, heard, and been through unimaginable pain.)
To watch her realize that she needed to give her baby more than she had, before my parents adopted her, and to make sure her baby had a stable home with a mom
and a dad was a learning experience for me.
I've learned that as we go through trials in our lives, it is the choices we make during them that determine who we are. I don't believe everything happens for a reason: somethings happen as consequences to ours or others choices, and somethings just happen because of nature or chance, yet sometimes God does put us in situations; regardless of the reason WHY, it is up to us to decide how to handle what happens to us.
We have the oppurtunity to grow closer to God through our suffering. We can choose not to let our trials define who we are.
I have a testimony that God loves each and every one of us the same way, but much more perfect, that we love our own children. He IS our Father. I believe there is a plan for each us. The reason we are here on earth is to become like Him and be reunited with Him after we die. We won't be spared pain as we go through life. We will, however, be able to call on Him, through Jesus Christ and the atonement, and be uplifted and carried through our trials.
As we call upon God in mighty prayer or quiet murmerings from our hearts we will be able to feel Him lifting us, guiding us, showing us the way through. We only need to ask with faith and be open to the ever so quiet whisperings of the Holy Ghost. I know this because I have experienced it.
I know that the Holy Ghost is a gift from God, given to us as a way to communicate with Him, personally. I believe in inspiration and personal revelation. I felt the promptings of the Holy Ghost accutely during the two days I spent with Sasha in the hospital.
I am thankful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I draw strength from it's teachings. I know that our prophet is a true prophet of God, as real as Moses and Noah were. I am grateful for the teachings we recieve from the prophet and apostles, that hold the keys of revelation.
I am grateful for my faith. My beliefs make me who I am. I am continually trying to become more Christ-like. I am continually trying to be better at showing my Faith in God through my actions.
I believe that we are not here on this earth by chance. We are put here, in families, for a reason. I believe that God answers our prayers using other people. I have had my prayers answered by people who were inspired to do some small thing that held much meaning for me. Sasha has been an answer to, I'm sure, many many prayers from the Snarrs. Aiden is their answer.
The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Prayers are not always answered in the way we think they should be, or in the time we think they should be answered in. But the Lord is mindful of us, and He knows us. He knows our desires and our needs. He does watch over us.
I pray that the Lord will continue to give Sasha strength and courage. That this will be a new a beginning for her. I pray that we will all become closer to God, knowing that our prayers will be answered just as surely as the Snarr's have been answered.
I love my family. I am thankful for parents who had inspiration of their own, to adopt Sasha and Alina. All of the elements of this story have made my testimony grow. That God lives. He loves us. He will guide us. He will show us the way through our tribulations. It will not always be easy, that is for sure. It will not always be happy (at least at the moment). But we can
always have the
peace that comes from knowing we are doing what the Lord wants us to do, even if it is hard. And we will
always be blessed with the guidance of what to do next. And genuine happines will always come, as we realize we are doing what is right and allowing the Lord take care of us in his own way, regardless of our circumstances.